While I can't predict specific outcomes, here is what I "believe" in general for the next 3 years, based upon the current and upcoming archetypal energies.

We are moving towards the Aquarian Age with greater speed. It's dizzying. Thankfully, Aquarius is about new opportunities and authenticity. It's about humanity and organizing for the sake of humanity. It resonates with greater knowledge, through math, science and social sciences for the sake of the community. It’s about people power. It’s about greater freedom. It’s about new missions and goals.

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Vickie Sullivan
Understanding Your Chart

As every human being is a complex and unique individual, so is each astrological birth chart. One’s birth chart offers a blueprint of the influences present at the time of the subject of that chart’s birth. I will work with you to understand the areas of influence, strengths and challenges indicated in the chart. When you receive a reading with me in the context of your special needs child, we will discuss your concerns and how you can leverage what the chart says to help your child achieve their goals.

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Vickie Sullivan
Sensory Processing Issues

Sensory processing issues stem from an inability of the brain to interpret and/or respond to signals in the brain from our sensory organs. More than just the 5 commonly spoken of senses: taste, touch, sight, smell and hearing, neurologists also include our sense of our physical position in the world and sensations we get from our internal organs. Learning more about your child through their birth chart can help you help your child navigate their perceptions and responses to the world around them.

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Vickie Sullivan

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can mean your child has problems maintaining attention, controlling their impulses or it can present as a combination of the two. The ability to maintain focus in learning and social environments is important to a child’s academic and emotional well-being. Using the information in your child’s birth chart in an astrology reading can help you strategize ways for your child to best channel their energy toward vanquishing their challenges and feeling at ease in their environment.

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Vickie Sullivan
Gifted Kids

Gifted children have special needs, too. They require an educational program that respects and stimulates their drive and heightened capacities to learn. Beyond academics, gifted kids need emotional support that respects and responds to their sensitive natures. The very definition of “giftedness” is that they possess abilities beyond those of the average child. For that reason, they may also benefit from coping strategies to aid them in navigating the social world. Understanding your gifted child through the lens of astrology can help.

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Vickie Sullivan
Language Processing Issues

Language is fundamental to understanding and relating to the world in which we live. A child who struggles to understand, speak, read and write - the basic tools for communicating their material needs and inner emotions - faces challenges socially, academically and emotionally. Deepening your understanding of your child using the tool of astrology through a reading of their birth chart can help you and your child understand each other and help you assist your child in navigating the world around them.

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Vickie Sullivan