My Mission

My favorite way to use the gift of astrology is to assist parents who are struggling with questions about their child.

Having worked with and witnessed countless families with children who have special needs, I know that most parents are looking for ways to help their child navigate the sometimes turbulent waters of their unique educational, social and emotional worlds. It’s true that finding the right educational program that best fits your child’s special needs is enormously helpful, and can sometimes feel life-saving. However, adding an astrology reading can highlight what the best educational planning misses.

An astrology chart is not meant to replace educational programs or other tried and true therapies, but it is reliable when it comes to shedding light upon the following questions: How does my child experience the classroom, or the family setting? What parental approaches should I try? How can I help my child navigate the world more comfortably? What kinds of activities and opportunities would be most helpful to my child? What will better prepare my child to live his or her best life? What habit patterns do not serve my child well and how can they be altered? What are some optimum paths for child?

Astrology is often an untried, yet effective tool for addressing dilemmas related to autism, Asperger's syndrome, learning disabilities, learning differences, the gifted child, etc. While there are no silver bullets, it can be another piece of the puzzle that helps to move your child along with greater ease. My goal is to look deeply into the inner workings of your child in order to make recommendations that will optimize your child's well-being and happiness.


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