Parents and Families


Children with special needs are connected to families. When a child gets a diagnosis or is suspected of having special needs of any variety, the whole family unit is on a journey, which encompasses a whole host of feelings. Some members may deny any issue, some may go through a period of grieving, others may reach out for support immediately, but rarely does a family member move quickly to acceptance.

Your feelings, concerns, and questions are never wrong. I’m here to listen and to answer your questions as best I can as both a teacher and an astrologer.


  1. You are not alone. There are multiple organizations with parents who were where you are now, who can offer guidance, referrals, and answers to some of your questions

  2. You need to practice self-care, in what ever ways calm and restore your mind, heart, body and soul. Ask for help with this if you can’t find the time. You are more than a parent of a special needs child. You need time for your personal goals and passions.

3. You will make mistakes. We all do. It’s OK. You are learning to navigate a journey you were not trained for, so it would be wise to practice radical self-acceptance and forgiveness.

4. You are actually a superhero! You’ve been required to stretch yourself beyond your previous limits, and you have tried to “save the day” and protect, encourage, organize, nurse, and counsel your child beyond what you anticipated.

5. You will have the pleasure of triumphs, great and small, that will have a deeper meaning than the average, customary rewards.

Sometimes when I give clients a printout of an astrology chart they look worried — worried that there is going to be something wrong with it. There is never a need to worry about this because there is never anything wrong with anyone’s chart. No chart is wrong. No child is wrong.

Your child’s chart or your chart insures an evolution from birth. The most important themes are represented multiple times in the charts symbolic structures. These complementary energies ensure that learning opportunities are maximized. While astrology cannot predict the future because of the very nature of free will to resist, ignore, or make the most/least out of current opportunities, it can broaden awareness. Awareness is half the battle. It is my hope that an astrology session will offer you a broader and deeper understanding, with new ways to celebrate your child.