While I can't predict specific outcomes, here is what I "believe" in general for the next 3 years, based upon the current and upcoming archetypal energies. 

We are moving towards the Aquarian Age with greater speed. It's dizzying. Thankfully, Aquarius is about new opportunities and authenticity. It's about humanity and organizing for the sake of humanity. It resonates with greater knowledge, through math, science and social sciences for the sake of the community. It’s about people power. It’s about greater freedom. It’s about new missions and goals. 

The Piscean Age is dying, but we need to get 4 things right before we can fully launch into a new time: the coronavirus, climate change, racial tensions and economic disparity and change. The old energy is holding on tight and breathing its last few breaths. The times are daunting and we are changing. Fortunately, new energy is coming to help us birth the healing of Earth and its creatures.

The US, in particular, is currently dealing with its Pluto return. This means that Pluto is currently at the exact point it was during the formation of our nation. We are facing the consequences of actions taken since then. The pivotal point is about our values. Who do we want to be? What do we value? Who and what do we stand for? The answers to these questions inform our future.  

There will be a lot of noise and distraction, in the meantime. Pundits will continue to create fear. Our job is to keep the faith, to love one another, to create beauty, to share our truths with love, to build communities, to stay flexible, and to keep our eyes on the prize -- a healthier world where we are more free to lead our authentic and best lives: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

May you find comfort and joy along the way.

Vickie Sullivan