Birth Chart + Transits

Birth Chart + Transits


A birth chart moves (transits) as the planetary energies move through their orbits. This transiting highlights optimal opportunities, at optimal times. Each new day, month, year, etc. brings a new opportunity to one’s fixed birth chart. Example: you may be Capricorn, however as Pluto cycles through the sky, it interacts with your Capricorn sun differently at different junctures. Each of the outer planets and their aspects to one’s birth chart can be interpreted. While I can’t read the future, given one’s free will, we can look at energetic themes for the year.

During the checkout process, you will be prompted to fill-out a form which provides the information I need to prepare your chart. You and your child’s data privacy are of the utmost importance to me. Any and all information included is kept strictly confidential and is not retained after I have finished working with you. I wholeheartedly respect and appreciate your trust.

After making your purchase, you will receive an email which serves as your receipt. It also outlines the next steps in setting up an appointment to receive your chart and conduct your reading. We can discuss your chart via telephone or using the Zoom video conferencing application, as you prefer. I like Zoom video because it allows us to look at your chart/s together on the screen and because it more closely approximates the connection and communication native to a real life meeting. Some people are camera shy and I respect that. Skype and Google Chat are also possibilities. I’m happy to work in whatever way feels most comfortable to you.

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