Birth Chart + Synastry for Parents & Caregivers

Birth Chart + Synastry for Parents & Caregivers


When any two people's charts are overlaid, an astrologer can see the strengths and challenges within that relationship. If you are reading this as a parent, I already know that you would do anything for your child, but which specific things would support your child's well-being and optimum paths? Which parenting style meshes with your child's happiness or growth? What might be interfering in the long term? What might be a more motivating thing to say, or do? A synastry chart addresses many of these kinds of questions.

During the checkout process, you will be prompted to fill-out a form which provides the information I need to prepare your chart. You and your child’s data privacy are of the utmost importance to me. Any and all information included is kept strictly confidential and is not retained after I have finished working with you. I wholeheartedly respect and appreciate your trust.

After making your purchase, you will receive an email which serves as your receipt. It also outlines the next steps in setting up an appointment to receive your chart and conduct your reading. We can discuss your chart via telephone or using the Zoom video conferencing application, as you prefer. I like Zoom video because it allows us to look at your charts together on the screen and because it more closely approximates the connection and communication native to a real life meeting. Some people are camera shy and I respect that. Skype and Google Chat are also possibilities. I’m happy to work in whatever way feels most comfortable to you.

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