Special Needs Astrology

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Understanding Your Chart

An astrological chart is multi-layered and complex as are human beings. There is a lot to take which can be confusing at first glance. Navigating through this confusion may be why you have made the decision to work with a professional astrologer.

An astrological chart is a snapshot of where the orbiting planets are in space at the time of birth. Each planet, including the most important celestial bodies- the sun and the moon are in one of 12 zodiac signs. One’s zodiac sign refers to the position of the sun within the astrological system of signs on the date of our birth. For example, you might be a Virgo. That means your birthday is sometime between August 23rd and September 22nd. That’s the the time of year that the sun is in the sign of Virgo. Each sign represents archetypal qualities, such as fairness, friendliness, or helpfulness. The chart is divided into 12 spaces called houses which represent different areas of life, such as resources, family life, work, or goals.

The following will you give you an abbreviated introduction to the organization of astrology. Here is a one word, distilled description of each planet’s archetype:

Sun: Individuation Moon: Emotion Mercury: Perception

Venus: Affection Mars: Action Saturn: Maturation

Uranus: Illumination Neptune: Elevation Pluto: Transformation

Here is another one word, distilled description of each sign’s energy:

Aries: conquering Taurus: simplifying Gemini: communicating

Cancer: feeling Leo: expressing Virgo: analyzing

Libra: balancing Scorpio: deepening Sagittarius: expanding

Capricorn: achieving Aquarius: authenticity Pisces: believing

Each house comprises spheres of life common to all people.

1st House: concerns the self, and the general approach to life

2nd House: concerns resources and self-worth

3rd House: concerns perception & communication

4th House: concerns one’s private life (home, family, mother influences), and to the emotional nature

5th House: concerns self-expression and fun, children, love and creativity

6th House: concerns daily work, habits, skills, health and service

7th House: concerns partnerships like marriage, intimate friends or business partners

8th House: concerns regeneration process; instinctive behaviors

9th House: concerns personal world views (philosophy, religion, spirituality, higher education) and travel

10th House: concerns one’s public life (professional career, honor, status and reputation) and father influences

11th House: concerns future plans, goals, and groups ( organizations, causes, net working)

12th House: concerns bringing the hidden self into consciousness